

Episode: Trash
Monty is an old war buddy of Mal and Zoe's. While meeting him for a job, Mal finds out that Monty is married to Saffron/Briget/Yolanda. When they see each other, Mal and S/B/Y fight and Monty ends up abandoning her on the planet.



Episode: Heart of Gold
Nandi was once a Companion and is a friend of Inara's but now she is the madam of the Heart of Gold brothel. When she calls for help, Mal agrees. When he arrives, Nandi explains that a customer of the brothel is trying to steal a child from one of the prostitutes that he believes is his. Mal and the crew agree to protect the Heart of Gold against the attack Rance Burgess (the customer/father) is planning. In the meantime, Mal and Nandi sleep together, upsetting Inara more than anyone ever thought.



Episode: Heart of Gold
Petaline is the prostitute that is carrying Rance's child. During the fighting, she is busy giving birth to her son, whom she names Jonah.

Fess Higgins

Fess Higgins

Episode: Jaynestown
Fess Higgins is the son of Boss Higgins, the governor of Canton. His father hires Inara to "make a man out of him" and after Inara tells him that actions make a man, he lifts the landlock on Serenity, allowing them to escape.

Mudders of Canton

Mudders of Canton

Episode: Jaynestown
The mudders of Canton idolize Jayne because of his botched heist there years ago. Although they don't actually help the crew, one of them takes a bullet for Jayne.

Rance Burgess

Episode: Heart of Gold
Rance Burgess and his buddies attack the Heart of Gold to take Petaline's baby, who is also Rance's. He ends up killing Nandi during the battle and after Mal beats the crap out of him, Petaline shoots him.

Two by two, hands of blue

Blue Hands

Episode: Ariel
The Blue Hands are evil men who work for the Academy that held River hostage. They are looking for her and come when Jayne turns her and Simon in on Ariel. They kill everyone who saw that River was there, but they don't catch her before Mal comes to pick up the rest of his crew.

Alliance Spy

Alliance Spy

Episode: Serenity pt.1 & 2
The Alliance Spy comes onto Serenity in Persephone, following River and Simon. He tries to get the Alliance to come to him but is discovered before they do. He ends up shooting Kaylee and then is locked up.

Atherton Wing

Atherton Wing

Episode: Shindig
Atherton is a client of Inara's. He begs her to live with him as his personal companion, but she doesn't answer. At a ball, he meets Mal and then gets punched by him after being rude to Inara. He challenges Mal to a duel and Mal accepts. Atherton is a fantastic swordsman and after stabbing Mal and toying with him, moves to kill him. Inara agrees to stay as his private Companion and while he's distracted, Mal stabs him several times but leaves him alive to live in shame.



Episode: Jaynestown
Stitch was Jayne's partner in the heist that went wrong on Canton. Jayne dumped him to stay in the air and Stitch was forced into a prison box by Boss Higgins. When Boss Higgins finds out that Jayne is back, he lets Stitch out. Stitch goes to Jayne and confronts him and tries to shoot him but a Mudder jumps in the way. Jayne then kills Stitch.

Boss Higgins

Boss Higgins

Episode: Jaynestown
Boss Higgins is the Governor of Canton and the man that Jayne and Stitch tried to rob years ago.

Jubal Early

Jubal Early

Episode: Objects in Space
Jubal Early is a bounty hunter who sneeks onto Serenity to capture River. He ties up Kaylee, knocks out Book, forces Simon to help him look for River and locks everyone else in their bunks. While he and Simon are looking for River, she sneaks into Jubal's ship and proceeds to mess with his mind. He shoots Simon in the leg, then goes after River in his ship. On the outside of the ship, Mal pushes him off into space.

Adelai Niska

Adelai Niska

Episode: Train Job and War Stories
Adelai Niska is a crazy mob boss who hires Mal to steal medicine off a train. When Mal finds out that the medicine they stole was much needed in Paradiso, he returns the medicine to the people of Paradiso and the money to Niska, after kicking his number one man into Serenity's engine. Then, Niska kidnaps Mal and Wash, and proceeds to torture them. After Zoe shows up and buys back Wash, Niska continues to torture Mal until the crew comes to rescue him.



Episode: Our Mrs. Reynolds and Trash
We first meet this wily woman on a prairie planet where Mal and the crew saved a small town from bandits. There is a lot of drinking and celebrating and in the morning, Mal finds himself hitched to Saffron. He tries to tell her that they aren't married but all she does is try to prove what a good wife she is. He promises that he'll drop her off on the next planet they come to but in the meantime, she turns on Mal and tries to send Serenity into a net where the crew will be killed and the ship scrapped. They manage to blow up the net but Saffron escapes in one of the shuttles. Mal goes after her and after punching her out, takes back the shuttle. The second time we see her, she is going by Briget and is married to one of Mal's friends from the war. After finding out that his "Briget" was married to Mal before, he leaves her on a deserted planet. Mal is planning on leaving her too but finally agrees to take her along but forces her inside a trunk. Then she tells Mal and the crew about a high paying job. Mal agrees and they proceed with the job, where we meet yet another of Saffron's husbands, this one calling her Yolanda. They escape and Saffron leaves Mal naked in the desert. When she goes to retrieve their bounty, Inara closes her into a trash bin to leave her to wait for the authorities.

Alliance guys

Alliance Guys

Episode: The Message
An alliance guy and his men who are looking for Mal and Zoe's war buddy Tracey.



Episode: Serenity and Shindig
Badger is a somewhat friend of Mal's that sets up business for them, but he's kind of a slimeball. One time, he holds the crew hostage until Mal procures the job he sat up for him.

Alliance Commander

Alliance Commander

Episode: Bushwhacked
An Alliance commander who boards Serenity after finding them hooked to a floating ship. He questions all of the crew to see why they were on the ship, then decides that he is going to turn them in for stealing the cargo off the dead ship. He changes his mind when Mal saves his life from a Reaver.



Episode: The Message
Tracey comes onto Serenity in a coffin. He had himself mailed to Mal and Zoe and asked them to take his body back to his family. When Simon attempts to perform an autopsy, Tracey wakes up. He explains to Mal that he let someone implant artificial organs in him. When they wanted them back, Tracey ran so he could get more money for them. Mal is angry but agrees to hide Tracey out. They are tracked down by the Alliance and are about to be blown up. Mal is considering giving Tracey over when he takes Kaylee hostage. He ends up getting shot and dies but Mal does take him back to his family.