

Full Name: Hoban "Wash" Washburn
Birthdate: May 18, 2486
Age: 32
Birthplace: Orion
Occupation: Pilot of Serenity

Background: Wash grew up on Orion, where the sky was so polluted, you couldn't see the stars, so at an early age, Wash decided that he wanted to fly. He took lessons and once he got out into the black, he never turned back. He was hired by Mal to pilot Serenity after the war. He eventually fell in love and married Zoe, who didn't like him at first. He is an excellent pilot and likes to play with dinosaurs. At one point, he tells Mal that if he and Zoe had slept together, she wouldn't follow him so blindly (see "War Stories").

Portrayed by: Alan Tudyk